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Cancer Insurance

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cancer insurance


new cancer cases projected in 2023 per the American Cancer Society

About 3.8 million

deaths averted, due in part to advances in treatment since 1991, according to the American Cancer Society

About 50%

of cancer patients incur medical debt in order to pay for cancer care, even with health insurance

Senior Woman Undergoing Chemotherapy With Nurse

What costs do cancer insurance cover?

Cancer insurance benefits, or supplemental cancer insurance benefits, provide a cash benefit if you are diagnosed with or treated for cancer. Coverage depends on the product. Cancer insurance is designed to help cover medical and non-medical expenses that traditional health insurance may not cover.


Expenses Cancer Insurance Benefits Can Be Used To Cover

  • Cancer screening
  • Initial diagnosis
  • Chemotherapy
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery/anesthesia
  • Prosthesis
  • Home health care
  • Transportation by ambulance
  • Skilled nursing and rehabilitation care

Your Policy May Not Provide Benefits For

  • Any diagnosis or treatment outside the United States or its territories
  • Any diagnosis or treatment you may have received prior to the effective date of the policy
  • Non-cancer related diagnosis or treatment
  • Types of cancers not included in your specific policy’s coverage
  • Cancers occurring prior to the purchase of the policy

Pros and Cons of Short Term Health Plans

Doctor and man undergoing course of chemotherapy in clinic.
  • Provides benefits for expenses that are often the out-of-pocket responsibility of health insurance beneficiaries, like deductibles, coinsurance, copays and more.
  • Lump-sum payment of benefits is made to the insured to use as they see fit.
  • Apply anytime for a policy.
Woman after chemotherapy visiting doctor in hospital
  • Not intended as replacement for health insurance.
  • Not guaranteed-issue, medical questions may be included on the insurance application
  • The cost of a plan premium may depend on factors like location, age, gender, and other factors

Cancer Insurance Resources

Have a Surprise Medical Bill? Here’s How to Negotiate, Dispute and Prevent
Accidental Falls – How to Reduce Your Risk + Cover Medical Costs
Health Insurance Alternatives to ACA Coverage

Have Questions? Speak to an Agent

Speak to a licensed health insurance agent during business hours for help understanding your options and enrolling in coverage.