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What are my options if I can’t afford major medical health insurance?

Before looking for non-ACA coverage, you may want to investigate an exemption for the lowest-priced plan available for you. There are two types of exemptions based on, 1) affordability and; 2) hardship. You might be eligible for an affordability exemption if a health plan exceeds 7.97% of your household income. You might also qualify for a hardship exemption if you had a financial setback or another circumstance that prevented you from obtaining health insurance.

If you are concerned about your major medical insurance policy’s high deductible, you may want to consider supplemental insurance to help with out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your major medical policy. Critical illness insurance or accident insurance are two examples of supplemental insurance that might help reduce your high deductible out-of-pocket responsibility. In some states, you must already have a major medical policy in order to obtain certain forms of supplemental insurance.

Learn more about supplemental insurance.

What are my options if I can’t afford major medical health insurance?

Before looking for non-ACA coverage, you may want to investigate an exemption for the lowest-priced plan available for you. There are two types of exemptions based on, 1) affordability and; 2) hardship. You might be eligible for an affordability exemption if a health plan exceeds 7.97% of your household income. You might also qualify for a hardship exemption if you had a financial setback or another circumstance that prevented you from obtaining health insurance.
If you are concerned about your major medical insurance policy’s high deductible, you may want to consider supplemental insurance to help with out-of-pocket expenses not covered by your major medical policy. Critical illness insurance or accident insurance are two examples of supplemental insurance that might help reduce your high deductible out-of-pocket responsibility. In some states, you must already have a major medical policy in order to obtain certain forms of supplemental insurance.
Learn more about supplemental insurance.

Have Questions? Speak to an Agent

Speak to a licensed health insurance agent during business hours for help understanding your options and enrolling in coverage.